Sunday, December 23, 2007

Selfish altruism - buying things locally is really just spending money on yourself...

..if one figures that supporting local businesses means supporting local infrastructure (through taxes), and, um, supporting local government's descision making processes (which are at times questionable).

Anyway, there are only a couple of days left until the big Tuesday morning gift exchange. I wonder if one could hear the simultaneous sounds of millions of packages being unwrapped from space? I took a strange route this year. I didn't do the internet thing so much, instead I tried to wander around some smaller neighborhoods and window shopped. I have so far successfully avoided all 'Big Box' stores as well and instead concentrated on the many community downtowns that surround places that I enjoy visiting anyway such as Waterloo, Tremont, Cleveland Heights/Coventry and of course Lakewood. I could probably list off what I purchased from where since I doubt anyone in my family gives my internet voice any attention but I won't, just in case.

Anyway, for those of you in the time crunch, looking for ideas or places to window shop I would like to remind everyone of the many local gift guides available on the Internet.

Cool Cleveland's Local Gift Guide
COSE ibuyneo Website
Green City Blue Lake Gift Guide (Plain Dealer's) Local Guide.
Cleveland Free Times Local Guide

Of course a real treat to those receiving and those doing the shopping is to take a walk along the many commercial downtown streets of the neighborhoods you enjoy and window shop. Make sure to check out for any specials in the chocolate shops (or free samples), stop for some coffee or hot chocolate in a local cafe, grab a decadent bite and enjoy having the freedom to spend the time really picking out something special instead of madly dashing about in a frenzy. I know there is a rush, but you should take the time to enjoy all of the holiday and what it really means.

Happy holidays everyone.

PS. In case anyone is wondering, for the holidays I would really enjoy it if more people got involved in their local communities, whether it be mentoring a child, cleaning up a street or even just taking part in a community planning discussion. That would be a really nice gift for me. Oh, and chocolate.

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