Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Disruption as Management Technique

The worst thing that can occur when "in the zone" at work is an interruption that results in a work tangent, especially when it is part of a managerial technique to "stay on top of things". As a designer good input is always welcome but sometimes when in production mode all one wants is some nice solitude to get the job done so as to move onto the next one.

Monday, February 28, 2011

KSU CAED Lecture - Tuesday March 1st

KSU Kiva

Just a reminder that tomorrow evening Kent State University College of Architecture and Environmental Design (winner of least functioning web page) will be hosting a lecture by Richard Buday of Archimage at 7pm in the Kive at Kent State's main campus.

Why all the reminders you ask? Because I don't want to hear the infamous "I didn't know" reply when I ask why I didn't see you there. Now you know. You should know about all of them. You should revisit the original post where the original list and dates were made.

Important questions.
Is it Arch-Image or Archi-Mage (like wizard)?