Saturday, September 24, 2011

Roadtrip (11)! - the Ohio State University KSA Lecture Series: Autumn 2011 "Precision"

KSA Lecture Series: Autumn 2011Precision

All lectures are free and open to the public. 
Unless noted, all lectures will be held at the Knowlton Hall Auditorium (KN 250) at 5:30 PM.
Craig Scott / ISAR 
Wednesday, October 5
Stephen Kieran / Kieran Timberlake 
Wednesday, October 12
Henry Smith-Miller / Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects 
Wednesday, October 19
Matthew Coolidge / Center for Land Use Interpretation 
Friday, October 21
Laura Hartman / Fernau & Hartman Architects 
Wednesday, October 26
Michael Blier / Landworks Studio 
Wednesday, November 2
Dan Kildee / Center for Community Progress 
Wednesday, November 9
Liz Diller / Diller Scofidio + Renfro 
Monday, November 21
Mershon Auditorium

About the KSA Lecture Series

As part of the Knowlton School's commitment to bringing the highest level of design thinking to its students and the community at large, the KSA lecture series invites prominent researchers and practitioners of architecture, landscape architecture, and city planning to present their work in a variety of areas. These lectures offer technical, cultural and theoretical understanding of the contemporary built environment and represent the contemporary and future state of the art in design thinking.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Roadtrip (10)! - Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape + Design 2011-2012 Lectures

Oh, Daniels at University of Toronto, I wish you were so much closer.  Physically I mean, I carry you in my heart.  Following has been lifted directly from the school lecture website (because I am lazy and still have this horrid cough for which I am blaming my studio students for infecting me with).  I am also having a rather difficult time convincing upon them the importance of lectures and visiting schools and places, etc.  Remember when  you were in architecture school and all those far away places sounded so exotic?  Those schools full of your burgeoning competition?  I remember visiting Portland for a school conference and a bunch of environmental geeks from across the country and I were all staying at the same hotel, we would talk about how one school was better then another and architecture and of course how we would save the planet through architecture, etc.  Sigh, the days.

Go visit a campus and live the glory of youth, explore, learn, find fellow geeks with which to converse and convort.  Fill the mind with ideas and the heart with hope.

Besides, Toronto has a decent music scene, I liked it.

Daniels 2011-2012 Public Lectures

09/27/2011 - 04/02/2012
Gregg Pasquarelli / Elizabeth Meyer / Catherine Mosbach / Finn Geipel / Didier Faustino / Fernando Romero / Jeanne Gang / David Gissen / William Morrish / Hrvoje Njiric / Liz Diller
Lectures are open to the public and admission is complimentary.
Gregg Pasquarelli
SHoP Architects, NYC
6:30 PM | 230 College Street, Room 103
This lecture is presented as part of the bulthaup 2011-2012 Public Lectures
The John H. Daniels School of Architecture, Landscape, and Design is pleased to welcome Gregg Pasquarelli as the first speaker in its 2011/2012 Public Lecture Series. Pasquarelli will discuss SHoP Architects' current projects, with a focus on how the firm seeks to reinvent the business model of architectural practice.
Elizabeth Meyer
University of Virginia School of Architecture
6:30 PM | 230 College Street, Room 103
2011 Michael Hough / Ontario Association of Landscape Architects Visiting Critic
Elizabeth K. Meyer is one of the leading landscape architectural theorists in the United States. In 2010, she was on the MVVA team that won the City+Arch+River design competition for the St. Louis Gateway Arch Grounds and their surroundings. In 2011, she was one of two landscape architects included in the annual DesignIntelligence rankings of Most Admired Educators in the United States.
Catherine Mosbach
Landscape Architect, Paris
6:30 PM | 230 College Street, Room 103
Catherine Mosbach is a renowned French landscape architect. She graduated with a DEUG (Master’s-level degree) in Natural and Life Sciences (Physics and Chemistry section) from the University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, and subsequently obtained a degree in Landscape Architecture from the Ecole nationale supérieure du paysage in Versailles (1987).
Finn Geipel
LIN, Paris
6:30 PM | 230 College Street, Room 103
Finn Geipel is co-director of LIN, a European agency for architecture and urbanism, based in Berlin and Paris. He worked for Labfac Stuttgart in association with Bernd Hoge and Jochen Hunger from 1983 to 1987, and Labfac Paris in association with Nicolas Michelin from 1987 to 2001. He has been a guest professor at the École Spéciale d’Architecture ESA, Paris, the École d’Architecture Paris la Seine EAPS, Columbia University, New York, and the Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura ESARQ, Barcelona.
Didier Faustino
Bureau des Mésarchitectures, Paris
6:30 PM | 230 College Street, Room 103
This lecture is presented as part of the bulthaup 2011-2012 Public Lectures
Didier Faustino is a Licensed Architect and visual artist, and the co-founder of Bureau des Mésarchitectures.  He lives and works in both Paris and Lisbon.
Fernando Romero
FREE, Mexico City
6:30 PM | 230 College Street, Room 103
Kohn Shnier Lecture
Jeanne Gang
Studio Gang, Chicago
6:30 PM | 230 College Street, Room 103
This lecture is presented as part of the bulthaup 2011-2012 Public Lectures
Jeanne Gang is the founder and principal of Studio Gang Architects, a rising international practice based in Chicago whose work confronts pressing contemporary issues. Driven by curiosity, intelligence, and radical creativity, Jeanne has produced some of today’s most innovative and award-winning architecture.
David Gissen
California College of the Arts, San Francisco
6:30 PM | 230 College Street, Room 103
David Gissen is a historian and theorist of architecture and urbanism. He is associate professor of architecture and visual studies and coordinator of the  history/theory curriculum for architecture at the California College of the Arts. His recent work specifically focuses on developing a novel concept of nature in architectural thought and the parameters for an experimental form of practice in architectural history.
William Morrish
Parsons The New School For Design, NYC
6:30 PM | 230 College Street, Room 103
2012 Michael Hough / Ontario Association of Landscape Architects Visiting Critic
William Morrish is an urban designer and Dean of the School of Constructed Environments at Parsons The New School For Design in New York.
Hrvoje Njiric
njiric+ arhitekti, Zagreb
6:30 PM | 230 College Street, Room 103
This lecture is presented as part of the bulthaup 2011-2012 Public Lectures
Liz Diller
Diller Scofidio + Renfro, NYC
6:30 PM | 230 College Street, Room 103
This lecture is presented as part of the bulthaup 2011-2012 Public Lectures

Monday, September 19, 2011

Don't X Out Public Transit Rally - 09.20


Recent proposed legislation plans to cut federal funding for public transportation, negatively affecting (locally) already strained systems.  Despite studies indicating that Transit Oriented Development (TOD) provides economic boons to communities cutting public transit affects how employees and tourists can access cities.

The Don't X Out Public Transit Rally is an attempt to create grassroots support to indicated to our legislative bodies how important we feel public transit is.

*from the website:
What Role Can You Play?
Get involved by taking action on September 20 and telling Congress that now is the time to invest in public transportation infrastructure! Now is not the time for cuts. 
Other public rallies are coordinated to take place around the nation.

"Don't X Out Public Transportation Day is the combined effort of Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), National Association of Public Transportation Advocates in Action (NAPTA), Reconnecting America, Transit Riders for Public Transportation, Transportation for America (T4), the Transportation Equity Network, Transportation Workers Union (TWU), and transit riders and advocates across the country. This national rally day and call to action highlights the severe effects a more than a one-third cut to federal transit funding would have and the need for increased investment in public transportation."

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