Wednesday, July 11, 2012

2012 Cleveland Design Competition

2012 Cleveland Design Competition

Via email:
The Cleveland Design Competition invites professionals, students, firms and designers to re-imagine the abandoned lower streetcar level of Cleveland's Detroit-Superior Bridge as a dynamic public space, performance venue and pedestrian experience. At the beginning of 2012, a group of local designers and business leaders launched an initiative called "The Bridge Project" to raise public awareness about the potential of The Bridge and to engage the community for input on opening the lower level for public use. The Cleveland Design Competition has partnered with The Bridge Project to engage designers to propose compelling visions for the permanent use of The Bridge, public access into and passage through the lower level of The Bridge, and connectivity to surrounding neighborhoods.

The Bridge offers tremendous potential for use as a dynamic public space, performance venue, and sheltered bicycle/pedestrian connection over the Cuyahoga River. Designs will provoke public conversation about creative place making in Cleveland and provide innovative ideas for a world-class public space. Winning designs will be selected among entries as best illustrating the possibilities for the future use of The Bridge.

CLICK HERE to check out more information about this year's competition challenge on the new competition webpage. 
At the conclusion of the 2012 Cleveland Design Competition, a jury of nationally renowned experts will select submissions to receive the following prizes:
First Place: $5,000.00 USD
Second Place: $2,000.00 USD
Third Place: $1,000.00 USD

To read more about the 2012 Cleveland Design Competition, go to:
Please pass along this email to any designer, architect, planner or otherwise interested parties that might be interesting in knowing more information, supporting, or entering the 2012 Cleveland Design Competition!

Very sincerely,

Cleveland Design Competition

Honestly, yay.  The part that scares me is this line "Winning designs will be selected among entries as best illustrating the possibilities for the future use of The Bridge." which in my mind translates "best possible use" to least common denominator.  Lets be realistic here (in a weird way), this town is poised for some strange, amazing things to break loose, finally.  Lets make some  leaps of faith, only the penitent man may pass sort of gesture. Something amazing, something breathtaking, something that the potential jurors will hold each other, gasp "Impossible!  But INTRIGUING!" under their breathe and weep with unacclaimed joy.  For the love of all things holy, make this more then what you think "architecture" is for, make it powerful.

I probably won't enter, very busy, etc. etc. they don't need my cash money this year.  But for those of you who do suck with your proposals, I will not hold back and not punch you in the baby makers for trying to show off your boring ideas to me during cocktails at various events around town, when you typically try to interest me in your boring ideas.

Bike paths (done) - and should most likely be built on the damn bridge anyway, we don't need a competition for that.
Business incubators (done)
Hobo sanctuary (hilarious potential, but done)
Germo-techno-house-dub clubs (seriously, save your ink)
Cuyahoga, passive cleansing technology water reclamation projects (please pass basic physics first)
Piezoeletronic Rhino devised symbiotic structure?  Lebbeus Woods will punch you in the baby maker for me.

Lets make something new, interesting and powerful.  Its a bridge for criminy sake, dividing the Best Side from Cleveland.  Work with it.

<3 dru