Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Smilin' Al Gore makes more headlines in a good way

In an effort to cause even MORE confusion among those trying to predict what the Democratic party will attempt come 2008 Al Gore steps up to the podium at New York University's School of Law, no doubt with a brand new powerpoint presentation in his pocket, and boldly states...

"Penalizing pollution instead of penalizing employment will work to reduce that pollution,"...

What? Tax polluters? I squealed with what could be construed as delight. With California already leading the nation in progressive penalties for high production polluting peoples (HA!) and Clinton attempting to start a state by state initiative to create stricter pollution controls it seems that not only is everyone jumping on the bandwagon, but they are jumping on the SAME bandwagon.


Gore, bless his heart, is attempting to take it even further, wanting the US to rejoin negotiations and participate in (by actually agreeing to AND signing) the next Kyoto Protocol successor and by placing heavy taxes (some could say fines even) on companies that create large amounts of pollution. I suppose it only makes sense since someone has to subsidize the cleanup of brownfield sites, water and air cleaning/purification projects, health care for those affected by the pollutants, etc.

Cite your source!

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