Monday, June 02, 2008

Greening Bays Competition

Sure, way back in 2006 we did celebrate Park(ing) Day in Cleveland. I was even able to capture some of the lawn-tivities on camera. For some reason we skipped 2007.

Now as we gear up for 2008 (September 19th this year)it is becoming apparent that people are realizing just how much space their car takes up in the city. As part of an urban exercise and London's Festival of Architecture (which will now be my war cry when someone asks me why I think "other" cities may actually celebrate design and Cleveland doesn't quite yet) the LFoA is holding a competition to locate 14 teams to design and construct these interventions.

While I am actually quite excited about the event I feel I cannot enter simply because I would not be able to fly to London to build the thing.


there is no reason we couldn't make 2008 a banner year in Cleveland. Not one at all.

1 comment:

  1. Parked in Toronto...
