Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Who hates the junk mail?

There are few things I hate as much as the copious amounts of junk email that nails my inbox. To counter the countless "P3niz 3NlargM3nt" and stock tip emails I upped my security, which means that when people send me stuff it usually gets filtered out into some weird spam folder. The one regular occurrence that bothers me even more(and deserves a special place in that very warm place deep in the bowels of the earth) is actual junk mail. The physical kind. The stuff that you see before and after your bills. The thing that hides your birthday cards and letters from friends and those wondrous magazine printed on recycled paper.

Oh, with a special passion do I loathe junk mail.

There were rumors of an easy way to get off the junk mail list, rumors of even a kit. Mostly you have to send out a ton of postcards to large bulk mail advertising companies, then there is a series of letters that you have to send to various other companies and agencies. This gets you off the list but if you donate to charity, sign up for a new magazine, order something online, sneeze when Law and Order is on you will end back up on a list and have to start all over again which makes the anti junk mail bulk mailing of your own a monthly event.

Along come Green Dimes, a monthly subscription service that for a low fee of $3.00 a month sends out the form letters to remove you from bulk mailing lists yourself.

There is a whole "green" side to this. Bulk mail uses a ton of fresh water and wood pulp (from TREES!) to print their dang letters which I know you just toss in your recycling anyway (which is nice but it would be better if you didn't even get it in the first place). As if this isn't enough, Green Dimes also plants a tree for you every month that you subscribe. So for $36.00 a year you get 12 trees planted in your name and an end to the bulk junk mail that plagues your life.

Here are the top 5 reasons the site lists for using their subscription.

Every Year...
-110 million households are annoyed
-100 million trees are cut down
-28 billion gallons of water are wasted
-800 million pounds of junk mail are delivered
-$1 billion in identity theft is committed

So, to recap, if you want to save trees and water, save the poor backs of postal workers everywhere, halt a little bit of identity theft and stop making everyone in your house so grumpy then feel free to check out Green Dimes and see if they can help you out. Or you can help them out, or someone (for the love of all things holy) help someone else out!

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