Sunday, June 03, 2007

Busy Cleveland summer is kickin' off

It has been a pretty hectic week around here. First William McDonough graced us with his presence at the Cleveland Clinic. Then Farshid Moussavi showed some interesting work at the Cleveland Museum of Art as well as at MOCA which also started the run of the OPEN show regarding public spaces. This weekend brought waffles and ice cream and farmer's market openings. Then to top it all of the Cleveland Cavaliers had to go and win the Eastern Conference which basically made my entire weekend just that much more fantastic.

While this week isn't yet looking as hectic you can sense things are going to pile up quick. I know this because I already have a listing of events to toss up here. Let me just say, keep Thursday and Friday evening free. Thursday doubly so.

Anyway, this last week also saw the Cleveland Planning Commission struggle with the County's desire to demo the Breuer Tower and replace it with an edifice of bloated intentions to mar our already hindered skyline.

I won't go into overdrive rehashing what has already been hashed to death, you can read a pretty good summary here.

Instead I would like to offer a slight solution for our image problem. Perhaps you may have noticed all the news about Dubai and China and seen photos of the massive construction. Perhaps you may have noticed all the constructions and thought, "Dang, that city looks like it has a lot going on, what with all the construction! You can bet they are doing things right!". Well this is my suggestion; How about the city locate a half dozen to a dozen giant cranes strategically around the city, they can be moved every couple of days or so, just enough to give the impression that something is going on. We can fence off some empty lots with construction fencing or something. I don't know, just an idea to make it appear that there is some progress going on around here.

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