Saturday, September 23, 2006
Circle of 10 - Vote for your favorite Cleveland non-profit
How about a little "who the heck is Brown Flynn?" answer for you?
A community relationship management firm, Brown Flynn helps organizations Âdo well while doing good in the community. We combine a collaborative approach, innovative consultation and communications solutions to create strategic connections within and between businesses, non-profit organizations and foundations. Respected for our integrity and known for our conscientious style, we are vested in our clients, communities and one another.
Straight from the "about us" web page!
Anyway, the 10 finalists are...
Shoes and Clothes for Kids
Nature Center at Shaker Lakes
Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland
The Littlest Heroes
Entrepreneurs for Sustainability
Corsortium of African American Organizations
Cleveland Public Art
Cleveland Bridge Builders
Artists Archive of the Western Reserve
Check out the above groups and look around their sites a bit, even better, go see in person what they are about. I know for a fact that groups like this love to talk to new people about what they do. Then, when you are so inclined, go ahead and show your support. The best part about organizations like this is that it allows YOU, the citizen, to affect change in your community.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Great Lakes Restoration Conference
Purpose is to get like minded folks who would like to make a concentrated effort to protect and preserve our Great Lakes and in essence, help out the economies that depend on them. So much has been in the news lately about decreasing lake levels, pollution and economic development centered around the Great Lakes.
I realize that it seems like a huge undertaking, trying to get the White House to reinstate funds for the protection of the Great Lakes but involvement in local, and not so local groups do wonders to garner press and raise awareness.
If for nothing else go for the food, music and a trip on the Goodtime III!
Great Lakes Restoration Conference webpage
Thursday, September 21, 2006
English K-ni-git makes Americans look like tools
Cite your source
Something is in the air...
Wednesday, California, or someone possibly acting on its behalf (state Attorney General Bill Lockyer?), filed a lawsuit against 6 automakers stating that...
"The injuries have caused the people to suffer billions of dollars in damages, including millions of dollars of funds expended to determine the extent, location and nature of future harm and to prepare for and mitigate those harms, and billions of dollars of current harm to the value of flood control infrastructure and natural resources,".
Citing greenhouse gas emissions as the primary culprit, the lawsuit comes a month after California passes a law forcing industries to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25%.
The six companies cited in the lawsuit are General Motors, Ford, DaimlerChrysler AG, Toyota, Honda and Nissan. Ironically, stocks in the six companies had increased in value by the end of the day.
Cite your source
PARK(ing) Success
I hope that the whole PARK(ing) day celebration was an enormous success and pray that more people become instigated enough to get involved. If there is anything a city cannot have enough of, it is public art.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Smilin' Al Gore makes more headlines in a good way
"Penalizing pollution instead of penalizing employment will work to reduce that pollution,"...
What? Tax polluters? I squealed with what could be construed as delight. With California already leading the nation in progressive penalties for high production polluting peoples (HA!) and Clinton attempting to start a state by state initiative to create stricter pollution controls it seems that not only is everyone jumping on the bandwagon, but they are jumping on the SAME bandwagon.
Gore, bless his heart, is attempting to take it even further, wanting the US to rejoin negotiations and participate in (by actually agreeing to AND signing) the next Kyoto Protocol successor and by placing heavy taxes (some could say fines even) on companies that create large amounts of pollution. I suppose it only makes sense since someone has to subsidize the cleanup of brownfield sites, water and air cleaning/purification projects, health care for those affected by the pollutants, etc.
Cite your source!
Trees have to pay parking meters too
Celebrate National PARK(ing) Day tomorrow, September 21st around Cleveland (and probably other major cities as well).
Cleveland Public Art, Spaces Gallery, Hotel Bruce and Green City Blue Lake will be taking over metered parking spots downtown Cleveland around noon and converting them into some lovely green spaces complete with a bench and tree.
West Side Market
E 9th and Huron
Warehouse District
Stop by, enjoy your lunch at a new urban park that is guaranteed not to last. I guess we should celebrate that ironically once in a while.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Smoke up Johnny!
Come November Cleveland has a lot of options to counter smoke in public places. There is my favorite Smoke Free Ohio that is looking to ban smoking in public places. Hey, I understand, it is your right to smoke, but no where in the world is it acceptable to poison someone else so you can enjoy a frivolous habit. Smoke at home, kill your plants, etc, just get that crap out of my face.
Also, the new cigarette tax is poised to put some monies back into the public arts. As one of the few major cities that DOES NOT RECEIVE PUBLIC MONEY FOR THE ARTS Cleveland is sorely lacking and it is only due to private contributors and the hard work of our local talent that lets us enjoy the level of culture that we do. I, for one, am constantly amazed at the sort of things local galleries and theatres are doing and even though I am still young enough to take it for granted I try hard to take the time to appreciate what is being done around me.
Anyway, some of the new proposed tax is slotted to go to public arts giving smokers the chance to act "holier then thou" from the privacy of their own home. Some say this affects the poor more. I don't really understand how. When I was strapped for cash you know what I didn't buy? Cigarettes. Wasn't that hard a choice to make. Stop eating or stop smoking. Sort of a no-brainer. Heck, if it actually worked that way we would have a lot of healthier poor people on our streets that wouldn't be so poor.
I see this sort of thing creating even more attention in the upcoming elections then the govenor's race and although I find that a little bit sad, at least people will be getting to the polls and voting. Heck, go into work late, hang out with some friends and make some changes.
Just don't forget your id. That link was easy as pie to find so let me copy in the necessary information.
Ohio voters are now required to provide proof of identity before voting. The form of identification that you may use includes your current and valid state-issued photo identification card, military identification, copy of utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, government check, or government document showing your name and current address. (Note: You cannot use as proof of identification a notice that the board of elections mailed to you.) If you do not have, or fail or refuse to provide, the required proof of identity, you may cast a provisional ballot.
R.C. 3503.28(A)(1)(6)
Voters must bring identification to the polls in order to verify identity. Identification may include a current and valid photo identification, a military identification that shows the voter's name and current address, or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or other government document, other than a reminder or a voter registration notification, that shows the voter's name and current address. Voters who do not provide one of these documents will still be able to vote by providing the last four digits of the voter's social security number and by casting a provisional ballot.
Voters who do not have any of the above forms of identification, including a social security number, will still be able to vote by signing an affirmation swearing to the voter's identity under penalty of election falsification and by casting a provisional ballot.
(The above requirement is effective June 1, 2006)
Sunday, September 17, 2006
CHUH library pictures as promised
Oh well, here are some pictures.
-the infamous walkway
- walkway from the inside, where you walk, etc.
- check out those gigantic piers, that handsome man is dwarfed!
-main library entry on Lee Road. Jugglers not a standard decoration.