Tuesday, October 17, 2006
4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs
Glickman-Miller Hall, Atrium
Bob Stark will be on hand to talk about his 21-acre proposal to redevelop the Warehouse District into mixed use residential/office space and street level retail. This is a huge investment and one that may well become more complex as imminent domain domain laws are flexed by cities attempting to create capital reinvestment in "blighted" downtown areas. I don't want to comment any more about that.
Mr. Stark though, is an amazingly driven man and someone who has a great vision for the city of Cleveland. Steven Fong, Dean of Kent State University's School of Architecture and Environmental Design will be one of the panelists.
You can find an agenda and more information, including registration, here