Bauhaus at the BrinkTo what aspiration would a creative movement desire to achieve a level of connectedness that could possibly transcend multiple disciplines, whether from graphics to painting to manufacturing to architecture?
Recent arguments have been made for and against a rather rash violation of Cleveland's urban fabric with the suggested destruction and replacement of Marcel Breuer's Ameritrust Tower. Even now, with an uncertain future, work gangs are delving into the structure's bones to remediate the site for either sale or demolition. Questions have been poised voicing exploration into the fiduciary, environmental and programmatic rationale for these decisions and have led to little more then frustration.
Admittedly this has been all very dramatic. From a environmental, preservationist and design perspective the whole process has seemed extremely ham-handed but has solidified an interesting ground swell of reaction. From these inquisitions have surfaced a dialogue unlike anything I have experienced in this city, a barrage of discourse centered upon the legitimacy of the County Administration relocation plan, collecting a multitude of interesting parties of all age groups, social strata and occupation. Everyone has an opinion and while not all may agree, the dialogue is itself a vindication of sorts of the passion that this city brings out in it's citizens.
Currently another layer is to be weaved into the discussion, the validity of the Ameritrust Tower as an example not only of Breuer's work but also of the
Bauhaus school (not the band).
For those of you unfamiliar with the Bauhaus, do not fret, there will soon be a small series of forums, films and exhibits based not only on the Ameritrust Tower but also the Bauhaus connection.
Saturday, November 10th, 20074pm - 6pm
Primer on Breuer and the BauhausA slide show by Tony Hiti, Chair of the Historic Resources Committee of the AIA, Cleveland Chapter on the history of Marcel Breuer and the Cleveland Trust Building. At the Sculpture Center (free parking available)Saturday, November 17th, 20074pm
The history of why the Bauhaus came to AmericaBauhaus in America: a film by Judith Pearlman followed by a panel discussion with Cleveland architect, Peter Van Dijk and Associate Professor of Art History at Kent State University, Carol Salus, moderated by Christopher Diehl, Director, Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative
At the Cleveland Cinematheque general admission $8/members, CIA students, staff $6Also showcased will be the entries from the Ingenuity 2007
What would you do with the Breuer? exhibit.
Wednesday, November 28th, 20076pm
Green building and modernism; are they antithetical?Guest lecturer, Carl Stein, FAIA, Principal of elemental architecture, llc, of New York City and his late father, Richard Stein, FAIA, have completed numerous historic rehabilitation projects based on their innovative and pioneering research in the analysis of energy use and conservation in buildings and design. He served his architectural internship with Marcel Breuer from 1968-1971.
At Judson at University Circle (free parking available)