Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cleveland Bridge Project - Vote to open up the lower level of the Detroit Superior Bridge for year round use

Cleveland, a city of rich history based upon an old river, suffers an identity based upon the conflict of the two banks which were at first inflamed by and pacified by the construction of bridges spanning the mighty river.

Currently there is a community driven effort to develop the currently shuttered lower level of the Veteran's Memorial Bridge (which once allowed rail service along Detroit Avenue to reach Public Square) and turn it into a public thorough way, allowing a cycling and pedestrian connection while granting a year-round use for public performances.

You can show your support by casting an online vote for the Detroit Superior Bridge in the This Place Matters Community Challenge hosted by the National Trust for Historic Preservation which may help secure the funds necessary for this endeavor.

Go to right now to cast your vote. Just follow these steps:

1. In the blue box, click "register"

2. Enter your email address and zip code (your information will not be shared and you can opt out of receiving any future email messages)

3. On the list of sites, scroll down to "Cleveland Bridge Project" and click on it.

4. In the blue box, click "Vote Now!"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blue Pike Farm 2011 Season begins this week

Thursday, June 16, 2011

via the email (which I will copy and paste so as not to lose anything in the translation).

It's the opening of the Blue Pike Farm Market this week. The market opens from 4 - 7 P.M. every Thursday until the end of October.

Joining us again this summer is Kevin Kelly of Kevin's Creative Cuisine with his selection of specialty baked goods and weekly cooking demonstrations (5-6 P.M). He'll be cooking up samples of the week's freshest seasonal veggies and offering his culinary tips and insights into cooking seasonally. This week he'll be cooking with garlic scapes. Haven't used scapes before in your kitchen? It's a 2 week season for these hard to find specialty items. We'll have them for you this week.

Judi Strauss, who writes a food blog at will be offering great information and specialty items each week. She teaches cooking classes and works as a teacher/caterer. She offers a series of workshops teaching about edible wild plants.

Veronica Walton and her husband Michael from NEO Restoration Alliance's League Park Market Garden will be offering their take on urban farm vegetables this summer. Look for greatselections each week from their market gardens.

And every week look for Seasonal fruit from Woolf Family Farms, honey and honey comb from e.pluribus Apiary here at Blue Pike Farm and more.

And I would be remiss if I didn't mention our newest producers, the flock of hens that have taken up residence here at BPF and gift us with fresh, NO GMO feed, free range eggs.