Saturday, June 28, 2008

Summer of Food

One of the things I enjoy most about the summer time (besides the "surprise" rainstorms, the longer sunny days and the prevalence of cooking out) is that so many local communities are now having "farmer's markets" which as far as I can determine are just wonderful excuses for wandering around a parking lot on a sunny day and buying delicious veggies and fruits, possibly locally or organically grown, meeting your neighbors and enjoying the fact that you have a very legitimate reason for being outside.

With that in mind I thought I would share some of the photos I took of the Grand Opening of the Kamm's Corners Farmers Market which runs every Sunday until October from 10am to 2pm.

There were a wide selection of options, from dairy to veggies and fruits, oils, fresh flowers, breads and sausage sandwiches to quiet the grumbling bellies. You can check what is in season on the Kamm's Corners website as well as recipes that were demonstrated at the market.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sportables (quickfire) Competition

The Challenge: Create highly transportable and deployable play spaces that are sustainable infrastructure nodes
Capao Redondo, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Submission Period:
June 15 to June 30, 2008
Sponsored by:
Google SketchUp

Open Architecture Network

Let’s create Sportables.

Where resources are scarce, we can create

Community access points to deliver vital services.

Let's create highly transportable and deployable play spaces that are sustainable infrastructure nodes.

| Designing Sportables: Mobile Demountable Sport Product Library & Play Facility |

Need: Nothing connects kids like the power of play. In areas of great need are opportunities to use sports as a catalyst for social change. Where resources are scarce, products can be distributed to deliver vital services. In many parts of the world sporting activities, especially local and traditional sports, are being incorporated into a variety of programs geared toward helping youth address a broad range of issues affecting their lives.
By emphasizing a "team" approach, these programs help impart the skills needed by the next generation to overcome the many challenges faced by their countries, from poverty to HIV/AIDS, malnutrition to low educational access. The Sportables play area and product library aims to provide the youth in communities with limited resources the opportunity to play sports safely, securely, and frequently.

| Challenge |

Transport yourself to Capao Redondo, a densely packed, but colorful, friendly and energetic settlement on the outskirts of Sao Paolo, Brazil. Here the youth run through the narrow alleys and small spaces mimicking the moves of football heroes like Ronaldo and Ronaldinho, but in bare feet. Open space is a premium, and not always available (i.e. market spaces)
Your challenge is to design a solution to create a highly demountable, portable sports product library, product development studio, and futsal (soccer) play area. This “pop-up” facility will be deployed to provide much needed (and desired) jerseys, shoes, and balls to communities that would welcome and use them to inspire change for youth of both genders. The design should comprise of a structure and construction mechanism that can unfurl to provide a space to rent sports gear as well as a safe space for youth to play, but must be re-packaged securely to protect the goods and equipment when the play area is not used or space is not available, or when it moves from one location to another.

design brief. pdf
competition page

Monday, June 23, 2008