Thursday, April 19, 2012

KickStartLove - Artworking: Connecting ideas and makers

Tagged as "Speed Networking for Artists" the idea is rather simple.  Try to get two groups of people together. Those that want to make stuff but don't know how and those that know how to make stuff but are looking for fun projects to invest their time and you get the idea behind ARTworking.

The first meeting is happening TONIGHT.

Thursday, April 19, 2012
2801 Bridge Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44113

$15 a ticket (proceeds benefit the Marilyn Bianchi Kids' Playwriting Festival @ Dobama)

Artworking website (where you can purchase your tickets)

"Have a great project idea?

Looking for the perfect partner to pull it off?

Bring your best idea, and come meet that writer you need for your film, artist you need for your album cover, or the perfect musician for your performance art piece.
Any and every idea welcome!
Cash prize awarded for the evening's favorite as voted by your fellow artists. Break out that idea you've been sitting on and make it happen!"

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Its 2012 already? For you maybe.

I realize that it is the fourth month of 2012 already but recently it feels like the beginning of the new year.  Perhaps just some new beginnings.  I am not good at self promoting (although my close friends will tell you that the topic of "me" is probably my favorite subject) which is a horrible trait for someone who is attempting to be a professional designer.  Flying under the radar is not really an option.  I used to think that hard work in an of itself would be the best and most surefire way to get noticed and by getting noticed some, get more work or the opportunity to work with people and projects that would be more interesting to me.  Hard Work may be very important, but I doubt it is more then 60% of the equation.  The rest boils down to either dumb luck or the self promoting component I am so poor at.  2011 has gone down in the books as one of the worst years ever and I am not looking to repeat that in any way.  In fact, 2012 has surpassed my expectations to the point where I am almost optimistic.  Almost.

I could say that I discovered the live/work balance, but that would be a lie.  I could mention that enough projects have fallen into my lap that I find so incredible that I will forever be doing the nerdy, crafty, stuff that I would love to do for a living, but that is only partially true.  I will say that I am realizing that going 120mph in one direction for too long burns you out, to the point that a hard reset is necessary to get you back on track.

None of this is terribly exciting or important, but I am just getting it out there.

The [good] news is that I am currently developing the balance, between what I have to do (work for a living) and what I want to do (make/design weird stuff) and have found a place that allows that.  Maybe even expects that.  Hopefully the days (and nights) of staring at CAD screens will just go down to weekdays and the nights and weekends can be making things, testing things, seeing things and writing about things.  Which is what I want to do anyway.  Don't get me wrong, buildings fascinate me still, but I enjoy so much more about architecture then what people consider architecture and I have personally sorted that just because I may be an "architect" [still testing for license] it doesn't mean I have to be what most think of as an Architect.  I can self define some.  Some may still lump me in with the asshats and douchebags that love to go around exclaiming how they can architize everything with their archstounding archimental powers but I don't have to accept it.  And that right there is the one thing that will finally allow me to not hate myself for taking the tests.  I guess I have just finally grown up enough to ignore the judgement of others for doing what I love and not have to wear it like a scarlet "A" on my chest.  Finally.  After a third of a century.  I wonder if some rocket scientists or lawyers finally get to that point too.

I will admit that I much rather be in on the ground floor of anything then tag along after it has been established, I still have that personality deficiency so don't expect the snarky, you shoulda been there back in the day, sort of comments to go away.  Cause they won't.  I will still want to know where you were, back in the day, when you couldn't pitch in to help regardless.  You know who I am writing about.

So, this is what?  TOIstudio relaunch v3?  Once every 2 years or so I need another kick in the butt?  Yeah, that sounds about right.

Oh, and self promoting?  Get ready.  You are going to see some stuff.  Finally.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Pop Up Rockwell (this Saturday + public input wanted)

The Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative is using a 5 week graduate urban design studio to develop, install and evaluate temporary interventions along Rockwell Avenue (Northeast of Public Square).  The Rockwell installation study attempts to develop the "Cleveland Complete and Green Streets" initiative which was approved by Cleveland City Council way back in September 2011.

The project hosts a launch event:
Saturday, April 21st


Currently there is a public survey open for some input of which any would probably be appreciated.

You can find more information at the Pop Up Rockwell web page including some facebook page stuff, a studio syllabus and list of sponsers (as well as exactly what the Complete & Green Streets Ordinance is).

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Respect the Bike - historical exhibit and bicycle presentation 2012.04.27

Friday, April 27th, 2012
2038 E 4th, Cleveland, OH 44115
Reception begins at 7pm

Blazing Saddle Cycle has put together a "bicycle presentation and historical exhibit" called "Respect the Bike" which is meant to showcase bikes that have been manufactured locally (in Ohio) from 1897 to present.

Spirits donated by Fahrenheit and Momocho
Food by The Greenhouse Tavern
Music: Heelsplitter, The Dreadful Yanws and Scoliosis Jones.

Includes bicycles from:

Rustbelt Welding
Cicli Polito
Carmen Gambino
Century Cycles

Fridrich Bicycle
Blazing Saddle Cycle

Also, April 27th is the last Friday of the month so ride on over after Cleveland Critical Mass.