Alright, I am back. I know it was only a day off really but it was hectic for me. See, the LEED 2.1 Professional Accreditation Exam was supposed to close the 2.1 format to transistion to the 2.2 format on October 31st so for the past 3 days or so I have been cramming so that I could sit for the exam this morning.
I am now a Leed Accreditated Professional. Finally. I guess I finally put my money where my mouth was. Now when asked about my what I do for fun I can say that I am an Accreditated Treehugger. Word.
Anyway, I was going through the USGBC website trying to see if there was a "LEED AP" icon I could snag for this post (I don't think there is, only the USGBC icon, for which I am a member through work but does that make it legal to display here? Probably not.) I saw an interesting headline.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: To accommodate unprecendented demand, the deadline for taking the current LEED Professional Accreditation Exam has been extended through November 30, 2006.
So, if you guys want to get in before the LEED format changes then you better hurry and register. As for the exam, let me just say that the phrasing on some of the questions wasn't the best but if you read EVERYTHING in the reference guide (and memorize about half) you will probably pass easily. It actually wasn't that bad, it was mostly that I hadn't sat for a standardized type test for over 3 years and it felt weird and nerve wrecking to sit and take one now. To be honest the worst part about it was that the testing center was in Mentor, Ohio which is about the worst laid out city I have ever seen populated by America's worse drivers. Seriously, the worst. I got yelled at by some lady going the wrong way who almost hit me after some chucklehead in a new Monte Carlo almost backed into me. Also, those blinking lights on the side of your car aren't Christmas lights, you can use them year round to indicate planned directional changes.
Good luck!