Apparently the County is moving faster then even THEY anticipated. I admit some surprise as I assumed that an event of this import would have been announced/covered/mention by our local news networks. I guess no one is paying attention anymore.
The east sidewalk of East 9th is closed to make room for 2 construction trailers (one of which I am assuming is a sub-shop in case Mr. Jimmy stops by to view his folly). The good news is that
Kurtz Brothers is handling the construction demo/recycling (as an expressed part of creating a new 'green complex'). I am assuming that they do the material separation off site which makes sense due to the constricted nature of the job site. We don't need Euclid and East 9th completely closed down.
Combined with the Euclid Corridor project I feel the financial district will look completely foreign in a couple of years. (Of course the timing of both makes me suspect that the relocation of the County offices was used to inflate the projected 'job numbers' that were used to justify the Euclid Corridor project.
It doesn't really matter too much now. I feel a little ashamed. Like I have been 'had', as if a
schuckster sold me some snake oil and I had just
recently discovered my foolishness. At least I will admit it, I tried to speak out, attended meetings, shook my fist at the establishment, and
apparently have resolved myself to documenting the change because for better or for worse it is out of my hands.
I suppose the question is now, what can we do to stop this mess from happening again? Should we even protect our past or just
recreate it to reflect whatever we envision our future to be? (I love that the etymology for '
erie' is given in that article but not a understanding or investigation into 'terminal' or even the
derivative 'terminus', instead if was glibly given whatever definition fit the author's
preconceived notion)