Kick-off the New Year w/ E4S
E4S Third Tuesday Network Event
Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Time: 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Great Lakes Brewing Company, Tasting Room, 2701 Carroll Ave. Cleveland
General Price: Free
As 2007 starts up I find it necessary to step back, take stock of the 2006 and reflect upon my own intents and actions. A new year begins to slowly dawn upon us and even though my cynical nature reminds me that time is but a man made measurement and that a "year" is a rather subjective amount of time (if one takes a moment to step outside of a species-centric state of mind) it does act as a regulated threshold from which to measure one's actions. With this in mind I would like to press upon everyone the importance of starting the year of right by getting involved with and organizations that can strengthen community involvement and or raise environmental awareness.
Entrepreneurs for Sustainability is a rather efficient and effective organization in tying together local business owners and community leaders to create a network of people who believe in environmental sustainability in order to leverage their message and passion for more responsible businesses and lifestyles.
There is usually a great collection of people and each monthly meeting tends to focus on a different sustainable system or business integration. The focus is on networking so if the possibility of meeting like-minded people and discussing how to make Cleveland more sustainable (and putting those discussions into action) then show up at the Great Lakes Brewing Company Tasting Room and see what the group is about.
Event Link
Energy, Oil, and National Security
Thursday January 18, 2007
4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs
Glickman-Miller Hall, Atrium
With all the past discussion about utilizing Ohio's regional sustainable energy production manufacturing strengths in order to catapult the region into the forefront of what can only become an increasingly important economic and environmental movement I thought it would be fitting to point out the upcoming Levin College Forum entitled "Energy, Oil and National Security".
The forum states that basically it will center around the Cleveland Foundation's current plan to develop "an advanced energy strategy" that "can create jobs and improve Ohio’s economy while contributing to national security and environmental quality."
Hopefully we can skip re-hashing the premise that independent domestic (perhaps even regional!) energy sources are much better then dependence upon foreign sources for National Security and move right along into exciting new prospects, plans and projects that are being implemented. I want to hear more about the "wind screw" (please disregard most of what that article says, it is depressing in how awful it is - here is an actually useful article about the spire) and possibly some more news about a wind farm on Lake Erie or even the possibility of getting a PV array manufacturer to move here.
Printable Invitation
Recently a website launched, cryptically called Cleveland Design Competition. It is currently under development and will soon have more information up and about it.
I bring this to your attention for a myriad of reasons.
a- so that this competition gets a ton of entrants. I am under the impression that this particular comp. is sort of an underground movement by a group of people bent of guerrilla design tactics, ie. by creating their own medium for designers to do what they love.
b- so that people's attention will be piqued making them want to check back more and more often which gives more incentive for these guys to move on their project.
c- so that the email that I got in the first place about this particular site stops getting forwarded to me over and over and over and over and over again. Oh well, at least people have me in mind for this sort of thing so I guess that is good, actually. You might as well keep it up.
More updates as the site, well, updates.
Call for artists
Due: January 5th, 2007 at 5pm
Cleveland Public Art and BADC (Buckeye Area Development Corporation) as well as Parkworks, Arterial Arts and NPI (Neighborhood Progress, Inc) have put out a call for artists for a site specific installation on Buckeye Road opposite a planned transit station. The competition is open to any Ohio artists, designers or architects as well as alumni of Ohio colleges over the age of 18. More information including a site plan can be found in the link above.
There happens to be a brand new Rustle the Leaf animation about some alternative energy solutions to bring you holiday cheer. Or post holiday cheer. Whatever.
Regardless, Rustle works for me as a spokesperson. He is sort of cute and not too preachy. Totally unlike that Smokey the Bear guy who is always standing over me quoting his "Only YOU can prevent forest fires". It makes scrambling eggs for breakfast unBEARable.
Oh, too early for really bad puns.
I can hear the complaining now. "Power assist" cycling? What?
Hey, if it gets more people out of their cars and on to a mode of transportation that allows a more intimate and physical connection with their neighborhood then I am all for it.
Just think of it as a ecological acceptable power sourced alternative transportation.
I know there are currently some hurdles. Lack of ethanol infrastructure, weird cycling laws and of course the fact that this particular motor system is produced in the UK.
Forget all about the impossibilities, think POSSIBILITIES and think about how amazed I would be to find one of these systems under my holiday tree thing.
Along those lines, I have to get back to doing my holiday stuff. Happy Holidays!