Tuesday, March 09, 2010

James Howard Kunstler @ Cleveland Public Library March 14th

325 Superior Ave. N.E.
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Sunday, March 14th, 2010

An author, journalist, and urban planning expert, James Howard Kunstler is one of the foremost social critics of our time. The Geography of Nowhere (1993) and Home from Nowhere (1996) established him as a fierce critic of suburban sprawl and the high cost of our automobile-dependant culture.

His bestselling book, The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the 21st Century (2005) addressed the ongoing global oil crisis by exploring the sweeping economic, political and societal changes that will result from the inevitable end of access to cheap fossil fuels. He expanded on his previous criticisms and detailed the impact the crisis will have on the way we live, work, farm and build.

The 2008 publication of his 10th novel, World Made by Hand, placed those ideas and his critique in a provocative fictional setting. Given the wild fluctuations in prices and concerns over the world’s oil supply, World Made by Hand is both timely and portentous. Through the eyes of the citizens and mayor of Union Grove, Kunstler imagines what will happen in Small Town USA when the oil wells dry up, the climate changes, and the economic system collapses. While it is “grim with portent,” the San Francisco Chronicle said, World Made by Hand “is an impassioned and invigorating tale whose ultimate message is one of hope, not despair.”

Kunstler’s earlier novels include Maggie Darling (2004), Thunder Island(1989), The Halloween Ball (1987), An Embarrassment of Riches (1985), andThe Life of Byron Janes (1983).

A former staff writer for Rolling Stone, he continues to be a prolific journalist and essayist whose writings have appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Orion Magazine, The New York Times Sunday Magazine and on Slate.com.

A native New Yorker, he resides in Saratoga Springs.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Towpath Trail Open House - March 9th

Towpath Trail Open House
Tuesday, March 9th, 4:30-7:30pm
St. Joseph / OLA Center
2346 West 14th Street in Tremont
Please join the Towpath Trail Partnership Committee and Michael Baker Engineering, consultants for Phase 3 design and engineering for our second public Towpath Trail Open House. They will share a preferred Towpath Trail route alternative, provide land use scenarios for the accompanying greenway and introduce interpretive themes and settings.

Come. Let them know what you think. Give them your questions and concerns. Tell them what you favor.

Please RSVP to Amilyn at acadergree@mbakercorp.com.

While we are away

TOIstudio bloggerness is currently undergoing a transitional system change. Google (who we all love here and promise our undying affection) is removing FTP ability meaning that this blog will soon have to be hosted on Google's webbernet sites unless a different interface system is used.

We are currently trying to work out the bugs in the various systems to make a final decision and hope to be back up shortly.

We know everyone has been extremely concerned. Please take this absence as no indication of any opinion that Cleveland has already destroyed our hope, soul, good nature, willingness to expect change, love, affection, joy, ability to dream or mental stability. The sun is out, the weather is getting nicer and once this dang chest cold goes away I expect to once again be a bouncing example of overabundant exuberance.

In the meanwhile TOIstudio headquarters is full of interweb code and related hijinks in an effort to bring you, our valued reader(s?) the best quality architecture thought and opinion directly South of Lake Erie and North of 480.

We appreciate your understanding.