Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mose` Ricci Lecture - Kent CAED - 09.12

Another lecture at Kent State University:

Mose` Ricci of Riccispaini Architetti Associati
Monday, September 12, 2011
Cartwright Hall Auditorium
Kent State University

Ricci is a professor of architecture and urban design at the University of Genoa and a visiting critic to the Florence International Program of Kent State's College of Architecture and Environmental Design.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Bike Cleveland Summit Weekend

The first Bike Cleveland Summit hosted by the newly minted BikeCleveland organization (a cornucopia of new and established local cycling advocates) is being hosted this weekend in (surprise!) Cleveland. The summit is positioned as a "regional strategic planning event" or in regular terms, an intro to BikeCleveland and the creation of the framework for bicycle advocacy. As Cleveland administration is showing support for the Complete Streets initiative it is imperative that local advocates are involved, to support ideas and programs that are cost effective and beneficial to non-automotive transportation so that our new systems not only work, but can be held up as a model of great design, planning and implementation.

Registration is closed for the summit (sorry I didn't get this up earlier, had way too much going on and was freaking out a bit) however it shouldn't be hard to find people involved to get your voice heard. At the very least you should be aware that this movement is underway and going forward.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Roadtrip (9!) - Bowling Green State University 2011-2012 AIAS Lecture Series

Bowling Green State University, which is around 1.5 hours from Cleveland (I'm thinking) has posted their Department of Architecture's 2011-2012 AIAS Lecture Series which I am posting below for your viewing and visiting pleasure. I always liked visiting BGSU for the variety of events and they boasted one of my all time favorite college bands that could consistently bring, what we liked to call in our younger days, the rawk. Alas the band, Stylex, is no more, however BGSU is still there and always worth a quick visit, especially as the architecture program looks to be maturing.

Fall 2011
9/19 - Brian Kennedy - 7:30pm BTSU Theater
9/21 - Christian Unverzagt - 6:30pm BTSU Theater
10/24 - Graham Owen - 6:30pm BTSU Multi-Purpose room
11/02 - Michael Speaks - 6:30pm BTSU Theater
12/09 - Craig Dykers - t.b.d. Donnell Theater - Wolfe Center for the Arts

Spring 2012
03/12 - Jill Downen - 6:30pm BTSU Theater
03/26 - Thomas Christoffersen - 6:30pm BTSU Theater with the AIA Toledo

TBD - Farshid Moussavi

-again with the lack of a flyer, waddup?! Also, I would suggest links to the speaker's firms or web pages or some sort of extended info to entice those of us who are looking for reasons to explore.