Friday, June 22, 2012

Larchmere Porchfest - Saturday, June 23, 2012

Larchmere Porchfest
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Schedule + Map (tis a .pdf, matey)
Bands start at 2pm.

4th annual Larchmere Porchfest, 30 bands, 30 porches, at least 60 things to talk about on Monday at work when you are really wondering why you didn't just call in sick and make it a three day weekend.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Blue Pike Farm 2012 Market Season begins this week!

I won't pick favorites when it comes to local urban farms but I feel safe in stating that one of my most favorite is Carl Skalak's Blue Pike Farm on East 72nd.  Is it because it is so bucolic?  Or large?  Or 'cause the guys all wear such nice hats?  Naw, it is because when you get a chance to talk to Carl you become a changed person (for the better).

The Farm Market kicks off the 2012 season this Thursday, June 21st at 4pm (until 7pm).  So come on down to 900 e72nd, Cleveland, Ohio and take a gander.

This week Judi from The Charmed Kitchen will be there with Chef Debra.
Look for local honey, lettuce, turnips, strawberries, zucchini, peas, baked goods, spices and more.

While on the webbernet site, check out the CSA link.