Friday, May 06, 2011

Sculpture Center After the Pedestal Call for Artists




for call for artists and application click here

The Sculpture Center is focused this year on the many exceptional artists at our larger region's institutions of higher learning, art schools, colleges, or universities. Our summer exhibitionSculptureX: 6 Sculptors from Ohio and Western Pennsylvania was curated by David Carrier from submissions from 35 schools in that area and is part of the website, created by Edinboro University of Pennsylvania to serve as a collaborative professional exchange and marketing tool for all schools that want to participate. To launch these endeavors we held the well attended and highly successful SculptureX Symposium #1: The State of Sculpture at the Cleveland Institute of Art in November 2010.

Continuing with this theme of exchange and promotion, The Sculpture Center's call for artists for the annual juried After the Pedestal is being restricted, this one time only, to all current MFA students and 2009 -2011 MFA graduates from studio art programs in Ohio, its contiguous states (Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania) and Ontario, Canada. The artists can be working in all media of sculpture, including installation, conceptual work, and performance video if object based, are eligible. Barbara Hunt McLanahan, Executive Director of the Judd Foundation, is the juror for After the Pedestal. The exhibition will tie in withSculptureX Symposium #2: The State of the MFA, again being held at the Cleveland Institute of Art, on October 15, 2011, free and open to the public.

If you would like to register for the sympsium, please email me your name, school affiliation (if any), interest in participating if you are a graduate student, and email address. More information will be sent to you.

Sculpture Center website

Thursday, May 05, 2011

2011 Cleveland Design Competition Launch

from the nice folks at the Competition:
The 2011 Cleveland Design Competition is now Open for Registration!!!
We are pleased to announce the 2011 Cleveland Design Competition: A NEW School Vision is now Open for Registration!!!
The 2011 Cleveland Design Competition invites professionals, students, firms and designers from all over the world to submit extraordinary visions for a new K - 12 public school in Downtown Cleveland. At a time when educators are implementing dramatically new ideas in pedagogy, curricula and organization models, the reinvention of learning environments deserves equal attention. The 2011 Cleveland Design Competition presents an opportunity to re-imagine the school and explore how educational facilities must evolve to provide world-class opportunities for learning.
The challenges that education and educational facilities are currently experiencing are not unique to the City of Cleveland. Many cities throughout the world are faced with a growing achievment gap between high performing and poor performing schools. Families from communities with poor performing schools who seek to improve the educational opportunities for their children have little choice but to move to communities where the school districts are better funded, operated and offer more opportunities for academic success. The 2011 Cleveland Design Competition invites designers to re-evaluate prescribed formulas for school planning and design and offer new approaches that support new educational philosophies that will influence better learning environments in the City of Cleveland and around the world.

For 2011, the Cleveland Design Competition has partnered with the Cleveland Metroplitan School District (CMSD) and Cleveland State University (CSU) to solicit ideas for a new innovative school for Campus International School (CIS) in Downtown Cleveland. While Cleveland Design Competition is an ideas-based, single stage competition, our CMSD and CSU competition partners have contributed invaluable information and support developing the competition challenge over the past year. Their involvement has been critical to developing the competition brief as well as selecting a great site that CSU is currently recommending as the future home for the Campus International School. All three partners (CSU, CMSD, CIS) are very excited to see the results!
At the conclusion of the 2011 Cleveland Design Competition, a jury of nationally renowned experts will select submissions to receive the following prizes:
First Place: $5,000.00 USD
Second Place: $2,000.00 USD
Third Place: $1,000.00 USD
The Jury for the 2011 Cleveland Design Competition will be announced on May 27th, 2011. A list of previous nationally renowned jurors can be viewed here.

Download the 2011 Cleveland Design Competition Brief by CLICKING HERE.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

River Sweep 2011

Saturday, May 7 2011

Please join us as Ohio Canal Corridor celebrates 22 years of Ohio’s largest done-in-a-day cleanup effort. Over the course of our 22+ years, we have recruited local businesses, corporations, and even individuals for contributions and volunteer teams to support this cause. This year the event will be held on Saturday, May 7th from 9 am until noon- volunteers receive gloves and bags. First 1,000 volunteers to sign up will receive a commemorative Buddha Frog t-shirt designed by George Cogill. Don’t forget to join us at the luncheon after the event from noon to 2 pm at the Rivergate Room located in the Power House on the West Bank of the Flats. (Address: 1400 West 10th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113) Lunch includes pizza (presented by Pizza Pan) and entertainment by Ray Conde. To become more involved please see the list of clean-up sites below and corresponding contact information:

Volunteer waivers must be signed before you participate in the event!

The Flats: To clean up in the Flats please email Kathy Cole at

Canal Basin: Please contact Kathy Cole at or at 216-520-1825. Meet at the intersection of Merwin and West. North of Flat Iron/Red Swing Bridge, south of Settlers Landing.

Scranton Road: Please contact Kathy Cole at or at 216-520-1825. Meet at the intersection of Scranton Road and Carter Road (Eagle Ave. Bridge).

Morgana Run: Link to Slavic Village Development Corporation. Please contact Jacob Van Sickle at or at 216-429-1182 ex. 107. Meet at 6711 Broadway in the parking lot of Aldi and Metrohealth.

Train Avenue: Link to Stockyard, Clark-Fulton, and Brooklyn Center Community Development Office. Please contact Sasha Ottoson-Deal at or 216-961-9073. Meet at Aries Industries.

Tremont: Link to Tremont West Development Corporation. Please contact Scott Rosenstein at or 216-575-0920. Meet at Clark field (approx. address: 2690 West 7th Street).

West Creek: Link to West Creek Preservation Committee. Please contact Sue Zurovchak or 440-915-2948. meet at Pleasent Valley and Broadview Rd. in parma. Park at Giant Eagle off Broadview Rd.

Big Creek/Lower Havard: Link to Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation. Please contact Lori Peterson at or 216-459-1000. Meet at Lower Harvard, Jennings, W. 14th.

Millcreek: Link to Slavic Village Development Corporation. Please contact Marlane Weslian at or at 216-346-3018. Meet at Brilla House (8411 Webb Terrace) located at the intersection of Turkey, Broadway, and Warner.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

May is National Bike Month - Bike Fairs this week 2011.05.04 + 05th

As the weather finally warms up to tolerable temperatures it's time to take the winter cycling clothes and pack them away, tune up the bike for spring, check your fenders (it's the rainy season in most locales) and celebrate National Bike Month by riding safe and often.

Local programs are in effect:

May 4th Rocky River Bike Safety Fair:
Rocky River Middle School, 1631 Lakeview Ave.
May 5th Bay Village Bike Safety Fair:
Bay Middle School, 27725 Wolf Rd.

at the fair-
• Professional bicycle mechanics from Century Cycles bicycle store in Rocky River will provide free bicycle safety inspections, display essential bike commuting gear, and hand out flyers with bicycle safety tips and etiquette.

• Century Cycles and Raleigh Bicycles are teaming up to give away 20 bicycle helmets to the first 20 families who attend each fair (limit: one helmet per family).

• University Hospitals’ Rainbow Injury Prevention Center, Safe Kids Coalition, and Why Not Wear A Helmet will be on hand to communicate the importance of wearing a bicycle helmet and will assist Century Cycles staff with helmet fittings.

• Informational booths, including one hosted by Bike to School Challenge organizers, who will be available to answer questions about the program.

• The Bay Village and Rocky River Police Departments will be providing free bike licenses.
The sponsors of Rocky River Middle School Bike to School Challenge are Century Cycles, Fuel Up to Play 60, Raleigh Bicycles, Chipotle, Honey Hut, Bay Lanes, and Rocky River Middle School PTA. The sponsors of Bay Bike To School Challenge are Century Cycles, Raleigh Bicycles, Chipotle, Honey Hut, Bay Lanes, Project Earth Environmental Club, Bay Skate and Bike Park Foundation, Bay Kiwanis, and Bay PTAs.

For more information and regular updates about Bay and Rocky River Bike to School Challenges, go to

With My Own Two Wheels documentary Cleveland premiere

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
@ the Cedar Lee Theatre

Century Cycles is proud to be one of the community sponsors of a benefit for World Bicycle Relief that will feature the Cleveland premiere of an award-winning documentary film, With My Own Two Wheels, on Tuesday, May 3, at 7 p.m. at the Cedar Lee Theatre (2163 Lee Road in Cleveland Heights).

Filmmaker Jacob Seigel-Bottner will attend the benefit screening to introduce the film and lead a post-show discussion. The documentary weaves together the experiences of five individuals -- from California, Zambia, India, Ghana and Guatemala -- into a single story about how bicycles can change the world, one pedal stroke at a time.

Tickets are $10 for adults and $8 for students/seniors. The benefit will include a raffle to which Century Cycles and other local sponsors have donated prizes, and those tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. All proceeds benefit World Bicycle Relief, which is an organization that provides access to independence, health care, education and livelihood through the power of bicycles.

Reservations can be made via email at or by visiting the event listing at

special thanks to Century Cycles for the heads up.