Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Roadtrip! - KSU: College of Architecture and Environmental Design Lecture Series

Well, I got the lecture poster in the mail today, right after the first lecture of the fall series.  They also don't have much on the website regarding the lectures so I can't copy and paste.  I'm personally sort of sick of parsing out other people's information who don't take the time to make a text list to be cut and paste so if you want to read who and when, I suppose you can read the jpg.

I'm in a grumpy mood, sorry.  I just don't understand how some institutions still have no idea how to leverage the internets in 2012.  I would think one would be publishing the heck out of this stuff.  It is the beginning of the semester, no need to start it off on the wrong foot.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Roadtrip! - OSU:Knowlton School of Architecture Autumn 2012 Lecture Series

KSA Lecture Series


September 5th, 2012
Better for Haunts: Victorian Houses and the Modern Imagination
September 19th, 2012
October 3rd, 2012
Wexner Center Auditorium
October 18th, 2012
Wexner Center Film/Video Theater (advanced ticket purchase required)
November 7th, 2012
November 14th, 2012

All lectures are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.
Unless noted, all lectures will be held at the Knowlton Hall Auditorium (KN 250) at 5:30 PM.

Bike Rack Giveaway

Bike Rack Giveaway!

Is there a business or organization you know and love that would benefit from a bike rack?

Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry's Metro Metal Works program, with The Dominion Foundation and The City of Cleveland's Economic Development Department are giving away AND installing 50 free bike racks throughout Cleveland.  Anyone can nominate a location to win a bike rack by completing a short questionnaire (by surveymonkey).

Voting ends September 31st and winners will be notified in October.  Bike racks will be installed pending approval from the property owners and the City of Cleveland.

Metro Metal Works is a program that trains individuals from the homeless and community re-entry populations to develop employable skills.  Currently they are constructing U-bike racks.