Saturday, April 19, 2008

Earthfest 2008 - Climate Change Solutions and the Walk or Bike for the Earth

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Earthfest 2008
10am - 5pm
$7 adults
$4 age 2-11
free for ages under 2

Free admission if you Walk or Bike for the Earth
Registration form I hope you all filled out WAY in advance.pdf
Ride the FREE RTA Clean-Air bus between Public Square and the Zoo.

The theme of the event is Climate Change Solutions and will have the following exhibits and displays:
Local and Organic Food Area
Clean Transportation Area
Children's Area
Eco Area-Non Profit Organizations
Green Home Improvement Area
Environmental Science Area
Party with the Planet Entertainment Area

You can check out the official Earthfest 2008 website.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cuyahoga Community Land Trust Green Cottages Orientation

Saturday, April 19th
4100 Franklin Blvd. - Lutherna Family Services Bldg
Cleveland, OH 44113
Ohio City Neighborhood
12.00 pm

The Green Cottages are new energy efficient houses located in EcoVillage on Cleveland's West Side. The Cuyahoga Community Land Trust works to ensure affordable housing to families looking to partake in the American Dream of home ownership.

This Saturday there is an orientation for those looking to purchase through the Land Trust program. You can determine if you qualify on the Land Trust Website.

There are upcoming events where one can help support the CCLandTrust such as the Eat Well, for a Good Cause May 19th at Johnny Mango Restaurant where if you give this .pdf to your server 20% of your purchase (from 11am to 10pm) will benefit the Land Trust.

**There is another orientation on April 29th @ 6pm on 4100 Franklin Blvd too.