reDesign Cleveland has another charrette up and running. Personally I am a little disappointed that not many people seem to be so interested in the whole idea of a bunch of little charrettes where you could design something pertinent, sensitive or absolutely absurd.
In an effort to help the project along TOIstudio (and by extension, I) will attempt to combine some powers with reDesign Cleveland and offer the emerging gallery space of TOIstudio for a reDesign Cleveland show and perhaps some sort of discussion.
This will be based upon interest shown and submissions generated, otherwise it will be just a bunch of my junk hanging on my walls and I doubt seriously that that many people would be interested in seeing something of that nature.
This could work nicely with the Discourse at Prosperity scheduled for August 8th to see how much interest (if any) local designers have towards doing anything -alarming, annoying, arduous, bitch, burdensome, damaging, dangerous, demanding, difficult, disquieting, hairy, harassing, hard, heavy, importunate, inconvenient, infestive, intractable, irksome, irritating, laborious, mean, messy, murder, oppressive, painful, pesky, pestiferous, pestilential, problematic, refractory, repressive, rough, taxing, tiresome, tough, tricky, troublous, trying, ugly, ungovernable, unruly, uphill, upsetting, vexatious, vexing, wearisome, wicked, worrisome, worrying, absorbing, affecting, alluring, amusing, arresting, attractive, beautiful, captivating, charismatic, compelling, curious, delightful, elegant, enchanting, engaging, engrossing, entertaining, enthralling, entrancing, exceptional, exotic, fascinating, fine, gracious, gripping, impressive, intriguing, inviting, lovely, magnetic, pleasing, pleasurable, prepossessing, provocative, readable, refreshing, riveting, stimulating, stirring, striking, suspicious, thought-provoking, turn-on, unusual, winning with their fair city.