Voting occurs from February 1st until February 20th. so do us all a favor and figure out your favorite and vote for it.
There are six proposals under consideration:
(taken from the CAC CCG webpage)
Project Partners: Cleveland Public Library, Positively Cleveland, Downtown Cleveland Alliance and others.
This project is a free, multi-day festival of lights in downtown Cleveland’s public spaces to celebrate the recent development boom and “illuminate” changes to our urban landscape. AHA will bring together people from across the region in the spring or summer of 2014 to highlight these beloved public spaces through art installations using light, video projections and live cultural performances by a combination of local, national and international artists.
Project Partners: The Transformer Station, LAND studio, the Great Lakes Science Center and others.
Celebrate historical, contemporary and emerging image-making during the Cleveland Image Festival in April 2014. Throughout the month, at programs and displays at museums galleries, and public spaces throughout Cuyahoga County, you’ll have a chance to discover and learn how digital image technologies are transforming culture through the widespread accessibility of the Internet and social media. Engage and participate through social media platforms and other avenues in this collaborative project by Cuyahoga County’s leading arts and culture venues.
Project Partners: WKYC-TV Ch. 3, The Diversity Center of Cleveland, Girl Scouts of America and others.
Led by Dancing Wheels, this project will expand on the dance company’s world premiere performances of the multi-media ballet “Dumbo” (May 6-11, 2013) to create an entertaining and educational TV documentary based on the issues of bullying and social injustice. Using the life stories of artists and community figures, the documentary will explain how they rose above the ridicule to become successful. The program will be made into a school assembly program that will be performed at schools and in the community throughout the county. The documentary will premiere in March 2014 and will air on WKYC-TV Ch. 3 in Northeast Ohio, and outreach programs will take place between April and August 2014.
Project Partners: LAND studio, St. Clair Superior Community Development Corp., Gordon Square Arts District and others.
This project is a year-long, community-wide collaboration between businesses, artists, commuters, neighborhood residents and city government intended to bridge the east (via Superior Ave.) and west (via Detroit Ave.) side divide of the Detroit-Superior Bridge over the Cuyahoga River. Between August 2013 and August 2014, EmW will employ a multi-media approach to bridge this gap using sign-painting and artist installations to unite the neighborhoods along this corridor while giving artists the opportunity to work collaboratively with businesses beginning in the Gordon Square Arts District on Detroit and ending at East 55th St. and Superior Ave.
Project Partners: Kent State University’s Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative, Bike Cleveland and others.
This projectwill temporarily transform two streets in Cleveland into physically active cultural corridors. Concentrating multiple urban acupuncture points of activity, the temporary interventions will stimulate long-term change, complete with safe bicycle amenities, pop-up shops, reactivated vacant lots, organized play activities and interactive public art installations, which respond to the distinct cultural flavor of each neighborhood. To take place on Payne Avenue between E. 30th St. and E. 40th St. (May 18 - June 9, 2013), and on Lorain Avenue between W. 41st St. and W. 32nd St. (August 24 - September 14, 2013).
Project Partners: Cuyahoga County Public Library, Northeast Shores Development Corporation, St. Clair Superior Development Corporation and others.
Cleveland Public Theatre seeks to build on the momentum that inspired Gordon Square Arts District and energize neighborhoods in the process of revitalization. By commissioning artists to make great performances inspired by neighborhoods, and transforming vacant spaces into exciting new places to make art, we break out of the confines of conventional arts institutions into the community. A dozen performances throughout Cuyahoga County to take place in vacant commercial, industrial and public spaces are planned, beginning in February 2014, culminating with a festival of performances in July 2014 (performances will be free or pay as you can).