One of my favorite journals has offered up another call for submissions which I think would be extremely perfect for so many folks and places around Cleveland. See below:
With relatively few outlets devoted to architectural criticism today and a professional tendency to declare a new architectural movement every ten years or so, a staggering amount of built work goes unexamined. How many times have we seen the same signature building reviewed? How many unknown projects must, by extension, never receive a critical appraisal?
CLOG : UNPUBLISHED will critically examine completed buildings that have thus far flown under the radar and/or have been forgotten. The submission process will be two-part.
Stage 1 (Due April 1, 2013)
Contributors are to submit 1-2 images of a building from any time period along with a two-sentence statement explaining why that particular building deserves a critical examination. Assessments may be positive, negative, or mixed. CLOG is not seeking portfolio projects or simply “favorite” buildings. The subject must have been built, and must not have been recently published in major publications, historical surveys, or blogs.
Examples of a potential subject include—but are certainly not limited to—a building that has never received a critical appraisal in the mainstream architectural press and/or historical surveys; a building that was critically appraised or once widely-studied soon after completion, but which has since been largely forgotten by architecture critics and historians; a building that has been examined and appraised in the past, but not for its architectural qualities (for example, a building that may have been widely studied by social historians but never given a critical architectural assessment).
Submission forms are available at and once completed should be emailed to accompanied by up to two 300 dpi images no less than 5.5” wide.
Stage 2
Those contributors that have been accepted in Stage 1 will be invited to submit a more in-depth critical assessment of the proposed building which can consist of a (up to) 500 word text and/or a graphic piece (to be due at a later date).