Friday, February 26, 2010

Brite Winter Festival

Brite Winter Festival
Saturday, February 27th, 2010

Food and Beverages

Italian goodness and adult sodas, courtesy of Louie at Sainato’s Restaurant

Soup, sweets, and soothing hot drinks, courtesy of our sponsor Gypsy Bean Coffee and Baking


a DJ will set the mood

The Hot Rails : “the penultimate 70s hard rock band”

Uncanny Xe La : Soul/Jazz/Dub Quintet

This Moment in Black History : “Once you label me, you negate me”


Austin Kotting – Kent State University – subjective cartography, aka “You Are Here.”

Gauri Torgalkar and David Jurca – Pop Up City – PopUp-BlowUp Chill Domes. Your one and only chance to listen to music or play ice bocce ball in a room made out of sheet plastic and duct tape.

Other artist info under Art Tag at top of page


Bonfires: chill out and stay warm

Cornhole: not just for tailgating and picnics anymore. Organized by Cleveland Plays.

Giant “skeeball”: Chuck E Cheese for big kids. We hope we can pull this one off.

Ice bocce ball = water + spherical molds + freeze + Italian tradition

Chalkboard graffiti: self-expression strongly encouraged

Bridge War reenactment: East Side vs. West Side, courtesy of Mother Nature, snowballs, and wacky Cleveland history

Afterparty: Mulberry’s Bar. Activities, karoke, drinks, and extended fun.

For more detail, click on “Schedule” tab.