Sunday, June 5th
10am - 2pm
@ the Municipal Parking Lot at W. 168th St. and Lorain Ave.
Kamm’s Corners Farmers Market - Growing Healthy Produce, Healthy People and Healthy Connections in the West Park Community and beyond.
The popular neighborhood market kicks off its fifth season on June 5th. The thirty market members grow or produce their offerings so the food is as fresh as it comes - from Ohio raised meat to produce picked the morning its sold. Also featuring live music, local artists and healthy living education; the Kamm’s Corners Farmers Market serves up much more than food.
“Local food” has become somewhat of a buzzword in recent years, but there are a number of reasons behind the buzz. Locally grown food and farmer’s markets not only benefit farmers, but are also good for consumers, the environment, the local economy, and the community.
Healthy Produce - Eating local food is healthier for our environment because it requires less fossil fuel to transport and little, if any chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
Healthy People - Locally grown food is healthier than food imported or transported over long distances - it is both fresher and less susceptible to contamination because of its short journey from farm to plate.
Healthy Connections - Food grown and sold locally is also healthier for the regional economy because it lends support to local farmers and cottage industries as well as increases pedestrian traffic to traditional mom and pop storefronts. Local food deemphasizes big box stores, chain restaurants and fast food and re-introduces aspects of community long forgotten. It is healthier for our relationships, helping to bridge the gap between people of different ages, races, religions, and income levels. While food is essential to our survival, local food also reconnects us to a larger essential, community.
Collaborative efforts to increase access to and availability of fresh, local food and produce have resulted in educational programs, subsidized produce vendor incubator space, joint marketing campaigns as well as the $5 EBT incentive program offered at the Kamm’s Corners and six other Cleveland area farmers markets. More information about the Growhio / ODA programs can be found