Rustle the Leaf goes ANIMATED!
I know I have mentioned Rustle the Leaf before. It is a goofy little treehuggin' web comic that has some pretty good articles about the planet and environmentalism and they are pretty good for a chuckle. I am sure my friends are about sick to death of me forwarding comics on to them. I am trying to quit any sort of forwarding habit. I have heard the one legged waitress joke WAY too many times.
Well, the good folks over at Rustle the Leaf are doing their webcomic one better. Yup, they are going ANIMATED with sound and music and funny little movements and after seeing the first one I have to admit I am excited for more.
ps. sorry for "borrowing" the banner for this post guys, hope you don't mind too much, I just think it explains everything pretty dang well.
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