Saturday, Nov. 25, 10am - 1pm - Sold Out
Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2pm - 5pm
Wednesday, Dec. 27, 10am - 1pm
In an effort to increase exposure for Cleveland among youngsters, two Cleveland State Urban Affairs students, Justin and Erin, created Emerging Cleveland. A series of bus tours that include "Asia Town, Josaphat Arts Hall, the LeBron James houses in University Circle, the Valley View HOPE VI project and Gospel Press in Tremont, the Avenue District, E. 4th Street, the Gordon Square Arts District and EcoCity Cleveland".
Aimed towards young professionals and students home for holidays Emerging Cleveland hopes to revitalize interest and instill an emotional connection back to the home town and keep people abreast of all the new development and changes that are occurring.
The bus tour lasts about 3 hours and costs only 5 dollars (to cover bus rental). The tour guides are all volunteers who act as guides because they're "big urban nerds. We think city redevelopment and revitalization are fun. And we hope to pass some of our enthusiasm on to you".
I suggest that even if you aren't from out of town you try to hop on one of the tours and experience the city from a new vantage point.
To get a seat (the fancy word is "register") then go ahead and email When you send them a holler, they ask that you tell them "a little bit about yourself - are you an "ex-pat" or new to Cleveland? Have you recently graduated?".
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