Thursday January 18, 2007
4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs
Glickman-Miller Hall, Atrium
With all the past discussion about utilizing Ohio's regional sustainable energy production manufacturing strengths in order to catapult the region into the forefront of what can only become an increasingly important economic and environmental movement I thought it would be fitting to point out the upcoming Levin College Forum entitled "Energy, Oil and National Security".
The forum states that basically it will center around the Cleveland Foundation's current plan to develop "an advanced energy strategy" that "can create jobs and improve Ohio’s economy while contributing to national security and environmental quality."
Hopefully we can skip re-hashing the premise that independent domestic (perhaps even regional!) energy sources are much better then dependence upon foreign sources for National Security and move right along into exciting new prospects, plans and projects that are being implemented. I want to hear more about the "wind screw" (please disregard most of what that article says, it is depressing in how awful it is - here is an actually useful article about the spire) and possibly some more news about a wind farm on Lake Erie or even the possibility of getting a PV array manufacturer to move here.
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