Recently I had read some things comparing organic farming vs. conventional farming and how the US is not growing enough organic foods to meet demand.
Then I was turned on to The Organic Center, a fantastic little group that wants "To generate credible, peer reviewed scientific information and communicate the verifiable benefits of organic farming and products to society".
They have launched the Mission Organic 2010, a campaign to raise awareness about organic foods and to encourage more people to choose organic foods for their diet.
There are a bunch of good reasons why organic agriculture practices are important but I won't bore you with a bunch of details, instead you can check out the Organic Center for more information (or even Chipotle's web site, whom I find delicious*).
*and will keep going on about how delicious they are for some sort of sponsorship! (This deal can also apply to Great Lakes Brewery).
ReplyDeleteOscar of here. I was excited to read about a new organic organization, I hadn't heard of the Org. Cntr. before.
I check out the site and took a look at their board of directors. I noticed that representatives from Safeway and Dean foods are on the board, as well as people from Organic Valley and Aurora Dairy - both of which are under boycott from the Organic Consumers Association right now. I'm not familiar with this groups reputation or history, just that they have some very controvertial names steering the ship. Just a heads up in case you're a die-hard about your organic issues. I'd love to hear back if you find out anything interesting.
Best to you -