Due to the tenacity of my one other closeted contributor I may have to rethink my perspective upon the possibility of turning Lakewood Ohio into an arts district.
One of Cleveland's "inner ring suburbs" Lakewood is constantly remarked upon as the densest (in terms of population) cities between New York City and Chicago. This proliferation of a strong, multi-generational community continues to attract younger residents which (as current trends show) recognize the importance of amenities in their decision to call an area home.
While proximity to Cleveland allows for shorter commute times and the amazing park access appeals to those who find sanctuary in nature there is a growing argument that Lakewood has the attractions and the population to capitalize on becoming an arts district. The city would also be able to utilize the "arts district" title to wrestle funding for improvements such as the $20,000 grant that went towards a design study to keep the Beck Center local. Recently there was the announcement of ..."A nearly $100,000 grant from Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency is earmarked for streetscape improvements along Detroit".. which could be a major step in magnifying the already evident street life along Detroit in what would be a main artery of the arts district.
While I still contend that I am surprised by the option of making Lakewood an arts district I think I am warming up to the idea the more I learn about how it isn't just an empty label to apply in order to drum up tourism.
I guess the only thing to do is to wait and see what develops, perhaps even take an active role and go to this forum.
Plain Dealer article that continued this diatribe.
Lakewood State of the City Address
-more thanks to MarJ
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