Friday, June 29, 2007

boxes and packing tape - TIMMMMMMBER!

I laugh only because if I don't I may throw up.

The Cleveland Planning Commission approved the demolition of the Breuer tower this morning further cementing Cleveland as a town of little artistic integrity in the hearts of many.

Not a totally glib article, which I appreciate.

Although perhaps good may come out of this. Either the local design community, so outraged at the spurious indifference given to logic and design may come together and force an explosive movement or they just may move out, like so many great designers have done for decades past.

I will be around for a little while at least. I just signed a new lease.

I, for one, am eagerly awaiting the unveiling of the abortion of a design that will soon be hidden in our fractured skyline. That thing has some high expectations to live up to. Although I doubt this is the last we will hear of this saga.

1 comment:

  1. Polititians, like the commissioners, always talk about the "creative class" and how important this class is to the rebirth of a city. Apparently they really don't believe this, as the whole Breuer issue proves. If our opinions really mattered to them they would have a) engaged the design community in a greater capacity and b) not have used political pressure to tear down the tower, against the overwhelming cries of the creative class. They obviously have no interest in us or our opinions, and if you believe their rhetoric, the future of their city.

    L.S. Moore
