Anyways, I figured I would repost the email that I received in it's entirety so as others can share in the joy (don't worry, I am planning on forwarding this thing around too).
There has been a new monthly charrette posted on |re|Design Cleveland!
This months challenge deals with the much contested Cleveland Public Square. Entrants are asked to use a provided image to recreate/solve/destroy/desolve the Square to their personal preference. As always the deadline for this submission is the last day of the month, Saturday, June 30th.
We are currently trying out new things at |re|Design. We are attempting to start a list-serve to easily and quickly inform contributors and interested parties in new charrettes, deadlines and submissions. We are also currently attempting to re-vamp the website to make it much more user friendly so if you have a comment or complaint don't be shy about voicing your opinion.
Also, to increase exposure feel free to forward this email around.
Thanks for all your input and submissions so far, they have been very interesting and much appreciated!
the |re|Design Cleveland team
|re|Design Cleveland is a monthly design charrette used to simulate dialog pertaining to Cleveland's aesthetic and artistic nature. We welcome entries from any interested party regardless of age, profession or location.
If you received this email by mistake or no longer would like to receive emails from |re|Design Cleveland, please respond with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.
Feel free to pass charrette invitations along to anyone whom you think would be interested. We are all about sharing.
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