Sunday, October 07, 2007

LAUN-CHair event wrap party

Well, we did it. We proved that if someone were to throw an event in this city and spend all of 4 to 5 hours trying to advertise it then people would show up. We got around a dozen particpants, students from CIA and UDC and of course the typical LAUNCH-y crew with some guy (Jason) which I am not sure what he did. I should have asked. I am a poor stenographer.

Regardless, I was actually quite happy with the turn out. I fear my MC skills were lacking and to be fair I suppose I am not a very exciting person to organize this stuff, especially when so overwhelmed that I sort of space out for most of it. Anyway we had some actual really nice submissions. Nothing show room fancy, but hey, we had 2 hours. I was exceptionally happy that everyone immediately started by sketching an idea. No one came prepared, it was all very spontaneous which I think added quite a bit to the event. I suppose next time we will have to mix it up, I think people are a little shy, which is fine, we can get over that.

Also, everyone pitched in and helped clean up, which was really awesome, and everyone brought supplies, which means that I didn't have to go get all that cardboard, which is fine that I did, because now I know the top secret place to get a ton of good cardboard for the next events. Don't fret, we recycled what we didn't use.

You can check out the Web Album which does a pretty good job of documenting the whole thing from start to middle to finish. Special thanks to Scott and Jason (and the other folks who's names I don't know yet) at the Buckeye Beer Engine for putting up with our shenanigans.

As a sidenote, I would say that over 60% of the chairs functioned as planned. The really little triangle one is mine. I squooshed the big one.

1 comment:

  1. Jason's a doctor. or soon to be. or something.

    scary? yes, i know.
