TOIstudio scours the news everyday to find interesting tidbits regarding architecture and environmentalism that may have slipped by the mainstream media, however I am not one for completely disdaining our larger broadcasting brethren and was actually caught by surprise when I saw this major news network story about World Water Day.
All joking aside without conservation or some minor technological breakthroughs potable water is poised to become the next major conflict instigator, most likely surpassing the volatility of oil in coming decades.
Perhaps it is the growing pains of our civilization that let us forgo the importance of drinking water in such a way that we continued to poison and waste it in such a manner that may become threatening for us as a species if we do not start taking some sort of responsibility. I am not advocating that we all only sponge bath once a month, instead I advocate that we realize that every decision we make has an impact upon another entity. You don't have to over-water your lawn to keep it green, you could plant lawns of non invasive species that have a deeper root structure so they will not suffer the 'burn of summer' as readily.
You could take your own bags to the grocery store instead of relying on being provided bags that take precious resources to make only to be thrown away at the end of their extremely short lifespan.
You could use low flow fixtures in your house and fix drips and leaks.
There are hundreds of water conservation techniques that could be easily employed without making any impact on our lifestyles and in the end would be better for all of us.
Some resources:
Water Conservation Web Portal
Water Conservation Techniques from Canada
2008 Water Conservation Showcase
Natural Resource Conservation Services for lawncare
Earth 911 water conservation
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