Friday, July 25th, 2008
1240 Huron Road, Star Plaza, Ground Floor
Part of ingenuity so the cost is to get into the whole shebang.
Could you explain what you do in 20 seconds per 20 slides? Could you show your voice, your talent, your interest? Could you sell your purpose 6 minutes 40 seconds to a crowd armed with nothing but a quick powerpoint, a stopwatch and your wit?
I hope you can.
Come and enjoy the first of the Pecha Kucha series to take place in Cleveland. Pecha Kucha is an international presentation style with its roots in Japan that forces succinct presentation. In the time it takes to order one beer you could have missed a presenter. Join us for a night of wonder and guile.
ingenuityfest 2008
Pecha Kucha - Cleveland
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