Tuesday, January 20, 2009

This strange new feeling...

...stirs within. Something that I haven't felt for quite some time. What is this strange new companion? Hope? Is this what hope actually feels like? Respect? Is that what this is? Some odd mixture? Hopspect?

We watched the festivities in the office today starting from when we finally figured out how to get the projector to function with the new video cards (around 11.15am) until our MSNBC feed finally gave up (right after Obama's speech).

There was something there though, in that speech, that made me feel slightly more comfortable than I have in quite some time. I apologize for this aside, I typically tend to stay clear of political conversation unless to comment upon a specific action so I mean this in no way as a blanket endorsement.

The strength of the language, the clarity of the rhetoric (even unspecified at times) made me very proud of my country right then. Not to say that I am usually un-proud although at time my pride may fluctuate depending on particular actions. There was conviction there. A call to arms that rang loud and clear and without quiver. That to truly achieve greatness we must unite, we most lead by example and make our success the envy and model of others to not only emulate, but to aspire to. Coupled with the previous day's community service the new Presidential Family undertook, I can appreciate the strength in that very ideal.

We have heard quite a bit of verbose statements in these past four or five years, at times questionable, typically to be taken on face value and repeated ad nausea until taken as truth. However we have also lately heard comments from both parties that they will strive to reach across the aisle, work together, work for the common good of the American people, be transparent and accountable. We have heard all these promises from almost everyone who had the fortune of having a microphone shoved into their face and I find that we are now particularly lucky to have the opportunity to test the merit of that bravado.

We, as a society, may truly be on the brink of a new and exciting age, faced with some of the greatest crisis in not only our own short history, the possibility lifts its lumbering head. Will we truly take the opportunity to work together and forge an image of strength and power once again for our country or will we squander what could possibly be one of our last chances before we finally drift away whimpering and beaten?

Should any forget, this new opportunity is not solely for those in positions of leadership in Washington but also for every man, woman and child that calls this nation home. We must take the model of leading by example, we must emulate our role models, taking on the characteristics we most cherish and invigorate our communities into action. We must learn to take responsibility, to hold ourselves accountable , we must act when it is called for and tirelessly prepare for our uncertain future in anticipation and care.

There were many great ideas strung together today, there was an amazing message, there was defiance and strength and a plea for Americans to be the sort of Americans they themselves respect. We must lead by example, we must rebuild our nation.

We have been given the opportunity and our foundation is strong.

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