Friday, November 13th, 2009
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
1 Wade Oval Drive University Circle Cleveland OH 44106-1767
7.30 pm
Dr. Timothy Beatley
Co-sponsored with the Cleveland Council on World Affairs
Dr. Timothy Beatley of the Department of Urban and Environmental Planning, School of Architecture at the University of Virginia promotes green urbanism, a creative urban planning and design strategy that brings nature back into city neighborhoods, supports locally produced renewable energy and encourages growing food close to urban communities. He will present examples of innovative green projects and policies adapted by cities in Europe and North America that could be implemented in Northeast Ohio.
Please join this speaker for a book-signing session after the presentation. All books are available for purchase in the Museum Store.
Listen to a recording of the speech here:
link fix - hope the soundwave file is up soon. am collecting thoughts for commentary on the day right now: