All part of the upcoming Discover Gordon Square Arts District
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Detroit Avenue Cleveland, Ohio
W54th through W69th (and extending down to W74th actually, where the rhino resides)
Most likely something will also be happening at the W78th studios
for the past, (I dunno, it feels like years actually) couple of months(?) TOIstudio has been collaborating with f i e l d s on a couple of installations in the Detroit Shoreway neighborhood. The first one is pictured on the attached flyer, named Binoceros, consists of attempting to create a functional and playful construction barricade. It is still in process as we hope to play with lighting and interactivity in the upcoming months. The interior piece is quite large, I would say more but I don't want to give it away.

As you can see from the flyer, we have a cornucopia of of installers, from traditional art on canvas to performance art, music, furniture and some sort of something coming from the Digital Operations Lab of KSU CAED (I like to call it "nerd club"). Best of all there is gonna be food.
So, as you wander the Gordon Square area, looking at stuff (as most like to do on a fine Saturday) feel free to drop in and see what is cooking at the Cheerio Building on the corner of W74th and Detroit Ave (installations will be viewable from 7pm-10pm).
I am probably much more fun when completely sleep depraved anyway.
Check out the Map & Guide with more information on the Cheerio Building here: