Friday, July 20, 2012

ODOT offers survey to find out where future expenditures should go

While not every question is biased along the lines of "Would you like 4 more lanes of highway to the exurbsor 5 more lanes of worthless highway to the exurbs?" some questions do beg why ODOT would even bother to ask about things such as inter-modal stations or light rail.  But they do ask about those things.  They ask more then once.  Which means that if you are sick of having your state taxes go to subsidize green field development (like I sure as heck am) at the expense of our urban cores then now is your time to click a button and pretend that someone is going to actually respond to the spreadsheet that will no doubt be generated (and ignored).

I know I am not the only one who looks at the second phase of the innerbelt bridge project and thinks "So what?  Do we really need another 5 lanes?  Is putting up with 10 minutes of commuter traffic that large a deal?  If you hate driving MOVE CLOSER to work."  I mean, if I wanted to raise chickens in Lakewood, the people against it argue "if you want a farm, move to the country".  Fine.  If you want a quick commute to downtown, LIVE NEAR DOWNTOWN.  Not that it is that simple, but, well, it is pretty simple.

Will ODOT support cycling and public mass transit?  Does ODOT really stand for Ohio Department of Transportation and not Screw Bikes, Trains, etc, We Want People to Live in the Suburbs and Continually Sap Infrastructure Dollars for Low Density Living (which is probably what NOACA actually stands for)?  I hope so.  That would be swell.

That would be swell indeed.

So get off your duff, click some buttons (or check boxes, it is the interwebs after all) and then you can go back to watching kitties dance on Youtube.

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