Saturday, October 20, 2012

Architects Draw - Opening Reception : 2012.11.02_fri

Architects Draw - Opening Reception
Friday, November 2nd, Convivium33 Gallery - 6:00-10:00pm - FREE / PUBLIC
1433 East 33rd Street (One Way/off Superior Avenue)
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Sponsored by AIA Cleveland, Architects Draw is an exhibition concept conceived from Peter's appreciation for what may seem natural but in today's age and fixation with all things digital, is not.  Peter reminds us that you won't find the soul of architecture in your desktop.  Great architecture can only derive from a uniquely human collaboration between the mind, the eyes and the hand.   Peter, who spent a year in Rome on a Fulbright fellowship, will be featured as a special guest artist and will showcase his personal travel sketches from over the years. The juried exhibition will include recent works in a variety of disciplines by Architects and students of Architecture.  
Architects, intern architects, associates and architecture students were invited to submit travel sketches, paintings, watercolors, and similar works of art outside the normal business of architecture. AIA Cleveland President Kurt Weaver admitted "We had no idea what to expect, by all accounts submissions exceeded the expectations of this first ever exhibit concept for AIA Cleveland."  It then became the difficult job of a distinguished panel of jurors to evaluate and determine the finalists of the show.  The jurors included Artist, Cathie Bleck, CIA President, Grafton Nunes, Artist, Christopher Pekoc, Artist, Antonia Reiner and Artist and Art Critic, Douglas Max Utter.

The exhibit will be on display from Friday, November 2nd through December 2nd, 2012. Exhibit viewing hours are Monday and Wednesday from 6:00pm-8:00pm and Saturday and Sunday from 10:00am-2:00pm. 
To invite friends using the e-Vite RSVP, please use the link below:

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