Sustainable Cleveland is looking for photos that capture Cleveland becoming a "thriving green city on a blue lake", something that should be pretty easy to do. Just check your file folders in between all your ruin porn of the flats/midtown/Broadway Ave./Lorain Ave./etc.
Cash money prizes for all your hard work and there are various categories.
From the Sustainable Cleveland website…
OverviewSustainable Cleveland 2019 is a 10-year initiative that engages people from all walks of life, working together to build a thriving and resilient green city on a blue lake. You are invited to submit up to two photos that highlight how this vision is being made a reality in Cleveland.You are encouraged to submit photos that relate to the Sustainable Cleveland celebration topics and key areas for climate action, including:
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Local Foods
- Waste Reduction and Resource Conservation
- Clean Water
- Sustainable Mobility
- Vibrant Green Space
- Vital Neighborhoods and People
- Public Health
- 1st place: $1000 cash award and framed photoAmateur category
- 2nd place: $500 cash award and framed photo
- 3rd place: $250 cash award and framed photo
Youth category
- 1st place: $500 gift certificate to a local camera shop and framed photo
- 2nd place: $250 gift certificate to a local camera shop and framed photo
- 3rd place: $100 gift certificate to a local camera shop and framed photo
All EntrantsThe top 20 photos will be exhibited at the Sustainable Cleveland Annual Summit on October 3rd and 4th, the Sustainable Cleveland Center in Tower City, and other venues.Entrants must be amateurs or students. Commercial photographers and post-secondary photo educators are not permitted to participate.Eligibility Requirements and Contest Rules
- Entrants can submit up to two photos. Entrants can only win one award.
- Photos must belong to the entrant, be their original work and must not infringe the rights of any third party to the best of photographer’s knowledge. The original image may be cropped but must not be altered or edited beyond brightness, contrast and color adjustment.
- Entry into this contest constitutes the entrant’s irrevocable and perpetual license to Sustainable Cleveland, without further compensation, to use, reproduce, print, publish, transmit, adapt, enhance or display such submission for the promotion and conduct of this and future Sustainable Cleveland photo competitions. Photos will be credited to the photographer in all cases to the best of the sponsors’ abilities.
- Decisions of the judges are final and binding in all respects. Judges reserve the right to disqualify any image.
- Contest open only to legal residents of Ohio.
- Cash Award Winners must complete and sign an IRS W-9 form with their name, address and Social Security number as a condition of receiving prizes.
- While all submitted photos must be less than 1 MB in size, all Winners will be asked to provide a high-res image for print purposes. Make sure to save your larger file!
- There is no fee to submit.
- Entry deadline is September 1, 2013 (11:45PM EST).
Photo SubmittalSubmit your information and photo(s) at the following site: you would like to submit two photos, you need to fill out and submit this form twice.If you have any questions, please email
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