Congratulations to Cleveland Height's Viktor Schreckengost as he will receive the 2006 National Medal of Arts, the highest award given to artists and art patrons by the United States Government.
Viktor Schreckengost is an amazing man and has probably touched every single American's life in one way or another whether we have used a product he designed or have seen his art in a museum. Recently he celebrated his 100th birthday and the Viktor Schreckengost Foundation exhibited more then 100 works spread out among all 50 states.
On a local level his birthday was celebrated in Cain Park and was attended by the birthday guest and a rather large crowd.
Schrekengost graduated from the Cleveland School of Arts and eventually became a teacher there (Cleveland School of Arts became Cleveland Institute of Art) where he founded the nation's first school of industrial design.
A perfect example of a homegrown hero who's desire for innovation and invention has shaped and inspired millions, Viktor Schrekengost followed his own passions and constantly strove to create for his fellow inhabitants. I admit he is somewhat of a personal hero to me and I just wanted to do my part to say thanks and spread the word so that others could also find inspiration.
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