No, I mean whether or not you are going to trudge to your polling place (local?) and partake in the great American game of pretending that you can make a difference and your opinion matters.
I am attempting to only appear sarcastic and mildly bitter. I actually believe that every vote counts and that people should spend the time to research the issues and walk down to their polling station and actually vote their conscience. I know there has been stuff all over |some| of the news about the faults of the Diebold voting machines and how 80% of the national voting public will be using extremely susceptible machines. I have heard through the grapevine that there are even some incredibly scary and damning television/web programs about this very issue. Some of which Diebold does not want you to see OR believe.
There are some precautions you can take. Double check your results. Then double check your double check. Then make sure again. Then, just walk away and try not to worry about it. Try not to dwell on whomever is responsible for letting the system get this way, don't let fear color your vote. Chances are you probably did that two years ago.
Anyway, you might as well watch the HBO special, at least to prime yourself for the upcoming weeks when the outcome will no doubt plaster every media outlet you can get your little paws on and even more bickering (akin to 2004) will seep into every nuance of your day.
Oh the humanity!
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