Even with one week to go I bet most of you have already made up your minds. An article in the new Good Magazine (which by the way is WONDERFUL) described Edward Tufte's Economic Theory of Midterm Elections which states "people vote for or against the president's party based solely on his approval rating and their disposable income." While that may be a little too simplified for my taste, I know a lot of people LOVE simple and mid 70's economic theories.
Regardless, there are a lot of issues out there that are not relative to specific political parties. At least not obviously so instead of not voting on an issue simply because you can't tell if it is red or blue for you, why not take a couple of minutes on your lunch break and check out Project: Vote Smart or League of Women Voters 411 both of which claim to be non partisan. Even if they aren't at least you will know what the issues are and that is something you can lord over your less educated co-workers.
Special thanks to More Party Animals for the cool banner I ganked from their site.
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