As per usual, I am not the only nutjob out there.
While sharing my learning of the use of PVC in children's lunchboxes with my lovely girlfriend, she got one of those weird looks on her face and then proceeded to walk out of the room while I was in mid sentence. Typically this just means that what I am going on about doesn't interest her in the least. However, she had gone to fetch the latest issue of EarthWatch Ohio, a collaborative 501(c)(3) circular that is put out by "people with environmental concerns". Yes, these are probably the same people that you think have nothing better to do but sit around campfires smoking dope doing all they can to bring down "the establishment" and American business ideals and so you disdain anything they say from the comfort of your endangered elephant easy chair in your oversized McMansion home in the nice gated suburb hours away from where you have to work 0rdering underpaid, malnourished immigrants about your factory floor. [Hyperbole inserted here to denote my frustration with the use of stereotyping/laziness (instead of attempting to listen and learn something) that I get exposed to on a daily basis].
Anyway, EarthWatch Ohio (whom I believe are all hard working family members who just happen to have a passion for their communities) had a rather interesting article on page 3 of their February/March 2007 issue (which you can download from their website if you would like) which included a nice mention of Sam Suds, the PVC Free website's anti PVC hero whom I think is a bar of soap.
They also had a nice legend of recycling symbols definitions that I would like to repeat here but can't find a nice image of. I can offer this attractive link instead.
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