Beck Center Armory
17801 Detroit Ave, Lakewood, OH
LakewoodAlive's next forum will explore the idea of an Arts District in Lakewood. A panel of experts will discuss what makes up an arts district, examples of thriving art districts and the economic benefits associated with them.
“We anticipate a lively discussion about whether an arts district would be appropriate and beneficial for Lakewood,” said Mary Anne Crampton, president of LakewoodAlive. “We would like to explore all of the issues that are critical to the development and sustainability of an arts district.”
Panelists include:
Art Falco , President and CEO, Playhouse Square Foundation
Tom Schorgl, President and CEO, The Community Partnership for Arts and Culture
Daniel Cuffaro, Chairman and Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Design, Cleveland Institute of Art and current proponent of “District of Design” in Downtown Cleveland
Kathleen Cerveny, Program Director for Arts and Culture, The Cleveland Foundation
Thomas Mulready, publisher of CoolCleveland, will moderate.
The forum will be held on Tuesday, March 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Beck Center Armory, 17801 Detroit Ave., Lakewood. The Armory is located directly behind the Beck Center’s main building and parking is available in the adjacent lot and on nearby sidestreets.
This event is free and advanced registration is not necessary.
LakewoodAlive webernet site
I have to exhibit my trepidation here. I love Lakewood. I grew up in Cleveland Heights (for the most part) and when it came time to move back to Cleveland from lands far off (Kent State) I couldn't in good conscience pick Cleveland Heights or University Heights or any of those places over the amazing little town of Lakewood. With all its walkable parks and fun little shops it won my heart. As far as becoming an arts district, I am not sure how it can compare to Tremont which does the entire arts district thing amazingly well. Perhaps Lakewood could capitalize on what it already does well and become a bar district that happens to have some kick ass art places interspaced (as well as a plethora of funeral homes, perhaps Lakewood could use the whole "we put the FUN in FUNeral home!"?)
I don't know. Go to the forum and express your own opinion. You might as well, it is free and you probably don't have anything else to do.
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